B-386 Partition-Mounted Dual-Sided Multi-Roll Toilet Tissue
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NOTE: Theft-resistant spindles are interchangeable on all models which use the 283-504 chrome-plated plastic spindle and the brass-plated plastic spindle. Molded plastic spindle with concealed locking feature available as an option for Bobrick surface-mounted and recessed toilet paper holders; removable with special key furnished; prevents theft. (includes BobKey)
Stainless Steel Cleaning and Maintenance
- Always: Wipe or polish with the grain direction of satin finishes. Remove any cleaning or soap residue from stainless surface with water and wipe dry with clean cloth.
- Caution: Avoid cleaning products containing bleach, hydrochloric acids and or chlorides . . . these are frequently found in toilet bowl or tile cleaners and in abrasive scrubbing powders. Avoid use of steel wool which can leave behind fine particles that cause surface rust. Avoid use of abrasive cleaners on bright polish stainless steel surfaces.