Air Fresheners Fragrances of the Month

June 2024

Garden Delights

The fragrance is reminiscent of a flower garden supported by a cedar base, further enhancing the clean, floral smell; it's a virtual bouquet of roses, carnations and gardenias with light and airy notes of geraniums and lily of the valley.


Vanilla Bean

Bring in one of the most popular fragrances among home owners and commercial building occupants alike. Vanilla beans blend together with coconut for a warm, inviting fragrance that users know and love.

Not sure which odor solution is best for your commercial restroom? Check out our air freshener fragrances of the month here at Air Delights to get helpful inspiration! Our monthly fragrance page features our staff picks for popular, effective, and enjoyable products. We also love highlighting unique fragrances on our air freshener scent of the month, so you can discover something new and refreshing. You can even check back for a monthly air freshener selection curated specifically for the current season. Browse our fragrances of the month selection, and order the ideal scent for your commercial restroom today!