Baby Changing Stations

Part of providing patrons with a pleasant and sanitary bathroom experience is ensuring your commercial restroom serves all ages and sizes. Our selection of commercial diaper changing station tables offers one of the sturdiest and most antimicrobial solutions to taking care of the customer's children. These commercial restroom products provide a safe, convenient countertop changing table when needed, especially in public restrooms and commercial areas such as shopping malls, department stores, gym locker rooms, healthcare facilities, restaurants, airports, etc.

Horizontal and vertical wall-mounted changing station products meet all global safety standards (ASTM, ADA, and EN).

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11 out of 11 products

Rubbermaid Baby Changing Stations with Antimicrobial Protection

Features of Our Wall-Mounted Diaper Changing Station:

  • Antimicrobial protection
  • Easy-reach hooks
  • Built-in shelf and liner storage

Order your commercial changing station today! If you need some more insight, contact our friendly team at Air Delights for additional information on our commercial diaper-changing station items and related restroom products.


Koala Kare KB200 Product Features

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