Air Fresheners
Air Fresheners provide odor control while enhancing your space with a clean fresh fragrance. Air Delights is an innovative air freshener and odor control manufacturer since 1991. We strive to create the most pleasing fragrances for our air neutralizers. Our metered commercial air fresheners use the highest quality essential oils to create the most pleasing scents that will transform any space with an odor control problem. Combined with one of our programmable automatic air freshener dispensers you can dispense metered air neutralizer on a timed basis for even more control.

AutoMist Air Fresheners

Select Air Fresheners

Micro 3000 Air Fresheners

Micro 9000 Air Fresheners

Fragrance Packs

Fragrances of the Month

T-Cell Air Fresheners

Easy Fresh Air Fresheners

Eco-Air Air Fresheners

AirWorks Air Fresheners

ourfreshe Air Freshener

Piexo Air Freshener

Eco Bowl Clip Deodorizer
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