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An easy, low cost way to help green your facility, save thousands of gallons of water, and hundreds of dollars per year.

Replace your old flush valve diaphragms with new Zurn water conserving kits


Water Closets

  • Buildings with 3.5 gallon toilets can use an average of 182,000 gallons of water, and cost an average of $1,274 per year.
  • A 2.7 GPF Diaphragm Kit can save up to 41,600 gallons of water per year and $290 per year.
  • A 2.4 GPF Diaphragm Kit can save up to 57,200 gallons of water per year and $400 per year.




  • Buildings with 1.5 gallon urinals can use an average of 39,000 gallons of water, and cost an average of $273 per year.
  • A 1.0 GPF Diaphragm Kit can save up to 13,000 gallons of water per year and $91 per year
  • A 0.5 GPF Diaphragm Kit can save up to 26,000 gallons of water per year and $182 per year.



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